Do you have a dislike for elitist type people (1 Viewer)


Dec 17, 2003
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Guys, I was talking to a buddy of mine yesterday here at South Alabama about elitists and how arrogant and prickish they seem to me and the thing that came up to me was how evident it seemed to me they existed on college campuses and in politcal discussions these days. So, in thinking that, do you get annoyed with people who have a certain arrogance to them, a smart *** approach that makes them think their so much better then everybody else. It really grates me you know elitist types, I have to deal with them a lot now and in the past but in a way you have to tolerate them becuase your in a college environment and they seem to be everywhere their IMHO. I am by no means an elitist, I dont like them quite frankly, I dont like the arrogance they carry around with them and the self-righteousness they carry on their shoulders as well. Maybe its me venting here or making a confession on maybe just saying I was am too humble to try to follow the crowd, it just annoys the hell out of me.

Do they bother you guys? Do some people in your life act this way and try and be smug about everything? Its a pet peeve of mine
Guys, I was talking to a buddy of mine yesterday here at South Alabama about elitists and how arrogant and prickish they seem to me and the thing that came up to me was how evident it seemed to me they existed on college campuses and in politcal discussions these days. So, in thinking that, do you get annoyed with people who have a certain arrogance to them, a smart *** approach that makes them think their so much better then everybody else. It really grates me you know elitist types, I have to deal with them a lot now and in the past but in a way you have to tolerate them becuase your in a college environment and they seem to be everywhere their IMHO. I am by no means an elitist, I dont like them quite frankly, I dont like the arrogance they carry around with them and the self-righteousness they carry on their shoulders as well. Maybe its me venting here or making a confession on maybe just saying I was am too humble to try to follow the crowd, it just annoys the hell out of me.

Do they bother you guys? Do some people in your life act this way and try and be smug about everything? Its a pet peeve of mine

People are going to be people, you see it in every phase of life. It is like high school never ends. Just remember it isn't important, blow it off, and be yourself. Also be confident and most importantly tell them to shove off or come back with a snappy little number yourself.
I find those types rather amusing, actually. They usually wind up making an arse of themselves in the long run by displaying their underlying ignorance.
If there was a nuclear war tommorrow who do you think would be the survivors?

Everyone has their own strengths, I am sure that the people you are talking about would feel very out of place in a group of workers talking about their trades.
In everyday life, I like it when people are themselves. In politics, however, I prefer Elitists. Bill Maher said it best(and I'm paraphrasing): "Step back from that word- Elitist. What does it mean? It means this person is "Elite." He's better than me, he's smarter than me. Yeah, I think I'll vote for that guy because I know I could never run a country." I agree with that; I don't want someone who's "relatable." I want someone who is Elite in their knowledge, education and skills... Just my opinion.
I'm not even going to dignify you type of people with a response to that.
In everyday life, I like it when people are themselves. In politics, however, I prefer Elitists. Bill Maher said it best(and I'm paraphrasing): "Step back from that word- Elitist. What does it mean? It means this person is "Elite." He's better than me, he's smarter than me. Yeah, I think I'll vote for that guy because I know I could never run a country." I agree with that; I don't want someone who's "relatable." I want someone who is Elite in their knowledge, education and skills... Just my opinion.

That's just the thing though, El Lay. There is, IMO, a marked difference between those who act elitist and those who actually are elite .

Kerry = acts elitist
Kissinger = is elite

I wouldn't have to dedicate more than a millisecond of thought in having to choose between which of these two figures I would have lead my country in a time of national crisis.

Also, take a look at both Kerry and Bush. Both are Ivy League educated. Both were legacy admissions into Yale. One is a better speaker; the other is better equipped at selling himself to the public. Since our elections are basically popularity contests judged by the voting public - and not debates judged by appointed judges - the better speaker lost.
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That's just the thing though, El Lay. There is, IMO, a marked difference between those who act elitist and those who actually are elite .

Kerry = acts elitist
Kissinger = is elite

I wouldn't have to dedicate more than a millisecond of thought in having to choose between which of these two figures I would have lead my country in a time of national crisis.

Also, take a look at both Kerry and Bush. Both are Ivy League educated. Both were legacy admissions into Yale. One is a better speaker; the other is better equipped at selling himself to the public. Since our elections are basically popularity contests judged by the voting public (and not debates judged by appointed judges), the better speaker lost.

...Well HH, I wasn't referring to John Kerry or the '04 election- I was talking about politics in general- but since you brought it up... "Elite" doesn't just refer to class or intelligence; it also can be used to descibe "the best" at some endeavor: I think John Kerry is light-years more elite than GW Bush for one simple reason: He still has shrapnel in his body from Vietnam, yet Bush (who never laid jack-squat on the line) saw fit to question his patriotism.
I dislike those who act like an elitist. Those are the folks who feel the need to compensate for a shortcoming. I have zero issues with those who are elite. They usually do their best to just be everyday people.
I think TPS is alright. :shrug:
>>I think TPS is alright.

I hAcK U bEcuZ u SUk nd BcuZ I r()()l bRa. ElIte PHreAKeR and HaKR

Also, take a look at both Kerry and Bush. Both are Ivy League educated. Both were legacy admissions into Yale. One is a better speaker; the other is better equipped at selling himself to the public. Since our elections are basically popularity contests judged by the voting public (and not debates judged by appointed judges), the better speaker lost.

Better speaker??? What? That guy from Fat Albert wasn't free to run against them? :ezbill:
...Well HH, I wasn't referring to John Kerry or the '04 election- I was talking about politics in general- but since you brought it up... "Elite" doesn't just refer to class or intelligence; it also can be used to descibe "the best" at some endeavor: I think John Kerry is light-years more elite than GW Bush for one simple reason: He still has shrapnel in his body from Vietnam, yet Bush (who never laid jack-squat on the line) saw fit to question his patriotism.

I realize you weren't referring specifically to Kerry, but I used him - in the two examples I provided - because his name has been front page fodder as of late, specifically due to his elitist slip last week. Kerry pretty much epitomizes the detachment from middle America with which the modern Democrat party is faced -- the same detachment which has cost them the last two presidential elections.

The odd thing about it is that Kerry's IQ is reported to be only 120, per military admissions testing. ( Not that 120 is poor, per se. But it is certainly nowhere near what many in the public might have surmised, given the preening way in which he carries himself.

An odd thing to note here is that published Yale academic records of both GWB and Kerry show their GPAs to be virtually identical. (see same article as above) And Bush's IQ is reportedly higher than Kerry's.

For Kerry to continue his arrogant posturing in the face of this borders on complete and utter folly. One would think a little humility might make him much more appealing as a candidate for president. Apparently he's not smart enough to figure that out for himself.

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