ESPN insider article NFL team LB rankings (1 Viewer)


Who Dat?
Feb 24, 2002
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Gonzales, LA
Don't know if its been posted, but insider has a article posted today rating the LBing units of each NFL team. While I can't post the article I thought it was interesting that they rank the Saints 20th. They also say our top LBer is Scott Fujita. I just find it amazing that after all the offseason worries that an "expert" actually ranks our LBers (Fujita, Simoneau, Shanle) ahead of 12 other NFL teams, one of which is the Panthers (23rd). While not great, in years past we definitly would have been in contention for #32. Btw, his #32 team is the Texans.
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Scott Fujita is IMO our best player on Defense

the guy is like Polamolu, he's all over the place

I think if he keeps it up, he'll get a trip to hawaii
I think shanle has been the biggest surprise... I had never even heard of the guy and e is now playing very well. if someone had told me during the offseason that scott shanle would be starting and also playing very well I would have probably called them crazy.
Don't know if its been posted, but insider has a article posted today rating the LBing units of each NFL team. While I can't post the article I thought it was interesting that they rank the Saints 20th. They also say our top LBer is Scott Fujita. I just find it amazing that after all the offseason worries that an "expert" actually ranks our LBers (Fujita, Simoneau, Shanle) ahead of 12 other NFL teams, one of which is the Panthers (23rd). While not great, in years past we definitly would have been in contention for #32. Btw, his #32 team is the Texans.

Where does he rate the Jets if you don't mind me asking? Vilma should get the top nod on that squad...
Where does he rate the Jets if you don't mind me asking? Vilma should get the top nod on that squad...
And most other squads for that matter.
That's cool. Moving on up.

Fujita is having a Pro Bowl year thus far, what a pick up.
Demco Ryans is a beast at LB, in a few years the texans will be alot higher.
I think this is an example of the whole beaing greater than the sum of its parts. I give credit to the coaches for this.
I think shanle has been the biggest surprise... I had never even heard of the guy and e is now playing very well. if someone had told me during the offseason that scott shanle would be starting and also playing very well I would have probably called them crazy.

I agree, I don't think he has played better than Fujita but he has been a lot better than I expected. He also brings that nasty mean streak to our LB's that we don't have. Shanlee is likely the hardest hitting LB I have seen in a Saints uniform in at least 6 years.
So far this year, the Saint LBs are 5-1. I think the 20th out of 32 ranking ignores the real results on the field and doesn't mean anything. ESPN Insider - just more "talking head" fluff not backed up by football results on the field.

I haven't seen the article, but I'll bet they ranked the illegally drug induced Shawne Merriman very highly. ESPN already put Merriman in the HOF. I wonder how the self proclaimed "freak of nature" will do over the long run without his "advantage"?
So far this year, the Saint LBs are 5-1. I think the 20th out of 32 ranking ignores the real results on the field and doesn't mean anything. ESPN Insider - just more "talking head" fluff not backed up by football results on the field.

I haven't seen the article, but I'll bet they ranked the illegally drug induced Shawne Merriman very highly. ESPN already put Merriman in the HOF. I wonder how the self proclaimed "freak of nature" will do over the long run without his "advantage"?

#4..... And we don't know the whole story, yet. On the field he has been one of the best LBers since he entered the league.
I think ranking a portion of a defense is devisive and really doesn't do the sport any justice. You win and lose as a team, you stop offenses as a defense. Some coaches put more emphasis on LB play, while others stress d line and secondary. Also considering that the play of the LB unit is dependent on the middle of the'd have to add them to the ranking. New Orleans seems to be a total unit but with the safety position acting as supplimental LBers as well.

Btw demeco ryans alone raises the Texans LB unit as well as Vilma doing the same for the Jets. The rankings are wrong as well as incorrect.

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