Dallas game moved to Sunday Night! (1 Viewer)


Staff member
Aug 1, 1997
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Sunset, La
I talked to Saints V.P. of Communications - Greg Bensel tonight... He said that he had just learned that the Saints - Cowboys game has been moved to NBC for the Sunday Night game on Dec. 10th.
I can see why.....Brees vs. Romo is indeed a very good matchup for the nation to watch.
Excellent...now, let's take care of Dallas, just like we have Atlanta (both times around), for the nation to get another taste! :D
Payton vs. the Tuna. The media will be all over this game now that its on Sunday night
I am excited to see the Saints getting another Prime-Time game. I might have to try to find me a pair of tix and make my way to Dallas that weekend. :)
So, what does everyone think about the chances of us getting the Carolina game at home moved also? That was the one I really wanted being at home on New Years Eve. Its nice getting the exposure on the road and everything, but I think night games give the home team even more of an advantage in that the crowd is generally louder (more time to tailgate, more time to drink, you get the idea.) Which is why I'm not sure a road night game is a great thing for us. That last game against Carolina could be for the division, and as all of you know, a night game in the dome is a world of difference from a day game as far as crowd noise goes.
I am excited to see the Saints getting another Prime-Time game. I might have to try to find me a pair of tix and make my way to Dallas that weekend. :)

Gotta make some phone call's myself.

Also, its nice to see the Saints EARN a primetime spot.
Thanks for the early heads up. I will be heading back from Cabo through Houston that day. I just changed my connection from Houston to NO to Houston to Dallas. It only cost me 39 bucks. Now if I can only find tickets!
Great news... This could potentially determine who is the #2 seed.

BTW: I hate WDSU.... Gotta get NBCHD from BR now.

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