How much has the murder trial effected Ray Lewis's career (1 Viewer)


Dec 17, 2003
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If you guys remember the Ray Lewis controversy in 1999 and the subsequent double murder trial that he was able to beat somewhat, One has to ask how has it effected Ray Lewis image and his persona in the NFL. I mean people looked at him as a great HOF LB who is arguably the LT of this generation and playing to 2 DPOY awards in his career in Baltimore with the Ravens, but has it inadverttenly effected him in other ways? I mean has he been looked on wiht suspicion and downright criticism for his suppose role in the nightclub incident in the weekend of the SB in 2000, I mean he has accomplished a great deal since then but has it come at a price?

I would think in a purely unbiased way it has effected him to some extents, he has been dogged by that trial pretty much since it happened 6 years ago and people think that he has parlayed that into a maniac cuthroat killer image on the field and that image has been marketed by some to be actaully liking the notoriety of that incident?

Its strange too becuase Ray Lewis has reformed a great dela since his younger wilder days at Maimi and as a rookie, and he has toned down his off the field antics to be a model citizen in the NFL. In fact he is probably one of the nicect guys in the NFL to meet in person and his charity is wideknown and he is a better person becuase of it.

But still in the back of some people;s minds that murder trial is his dark shadow that won go away, people wonder about his role in that crime and just think what he really did and suspicsion is still their.

What do you think guys?

Has his past been a bone around his neck? Has he gotten over that incident in Atlanta in 2000?
Or will he I suspect always have to live that down in some people's minds?

That he was tried for murder and almost lost his freedome because of it,

It would be hard to live that down that image for me personally on my take of the story
apparently not much. look at R.Kelly....people don't seem to care as long as they are entertained
I honestly didn't follow the story enough to have a strong opinion on whether or not I think he was guilty or innocent, but I'll say this: he seems to have really kept his nose clean since then, has focused on football and has really supported his team. He also seems to have made the most out of this second chance he got. JMO.
wow, super random. Hardly anyone in the media plays that card with Lewis anymore. Its about on the same level as what Kobe went through to some degree. People started to forget and forgive once the two got back to their respective games. It hurts to a degree for sure, but it will hardly tarnish his legacy as one of the greatest to ever play the position.
Before Pickz commented (and bumped the thread) the last post was in October of 2006. I'm not sure what the relevance to today is though.

I'll remember Ray Ray making those one-armed attempts at tackling this year.
The murder trial did not effect his career at all -- his career was going gangbusters before it.

Now, a harder question is how the murder trial affected his career.

I know, folks hate grammar Nazis worse than spelling police (oops, squinting modifier) so someone who's both at the same time is just horrible.
I'd also like to mention that Ray Lewis was never tried for murder.
The murder trial did not effect his career at all -- his career was going gangbusters before it.

Now, a harder question is how the murder trial [/B]affected[/B] his career.

I know, folks hate grammar Nazis worse than spelling police (oops, squinting modifier) so someone who's both at the same time is just horrible.

how about an HTML code nazi?

you left an extra / in your bold code.

edt: you are fast, fixed it as i quoted you.
how about an HTML code nazi?

you left an extra / in your bold code.

edt: you are fast, fixed it as i quoted you.

The OCD is not so bad that I proofread 10 times before hitting "submit reply," but is bad enough that I feel compelled to correct errors ASAP.

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