Kid friendly series/movies you don’t hate (1 Viewer)

May 30, 2011
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I’d love to hear some of your suggestions. A few of my favorites are Shrek, The Incredibles, Sky High, A Series of Unfortunate Events series, and The Dragon Prince. The only two PG-13 movies I’ve shown my kids are pretty lite on adult content…The Mask (my sons favorite movie) and Top Gun Maverick (my girls favorite movie).
I’d love to hear some of your suggestions. A few of my favorites are Shrek, The Incredibles, Sky High, A Series of Unfortunate Events series, and The Dragon Prince. The only two PG-13 movies I’ve shown my kids are pretty lite on adult content…The Mask (my sons favorite movie) and Top Gun Maverick (my girls favorite movie).
Those are all good movies. I'll add just a couple more...The Princess Bride and Meet the Robinsons.
Little Eisteins I would watch w youngest and enjoy. Backyardigans too
For oldest it was Percy Jackson series and obviously Harry Potter.

What was neat was oldest is 80s all the John Hughes movies that I enjoyed as kid, she did as well. She loved Top Gun (watched night before we went to Maverick) and saw Maverick 3 times lol.
Having 3 kids I feel like I've seen most and very few were horrible. Most are pretty good. I'd add Bee Movie, over the hedge, and ice age to the list going so far.
#1, without a doubt is Avatar (the Nickelodeon cartoon). Great role models for kids too. Funny, some character growth, wholesome for the most part. I was very much into watching it. I should watch Korra eventually.

#1b, Major Payne - hilarious comedy, Damon Wayans at his best. Great for kids. I used to put it on at the video store when I worked at one (what's that grandpa?), and it never got a single complaint.

Outside of that, most Pixar movies, most of the last few Disney ones, but I'll give some more out of the box suggestions.

School of Rock - This was literally written for Jack Black

Kindergarden Cop

The Lego Movie


Spiderman Into the Verse

The Princess Bride

The first Home Alone isn't that bad.

I personally liked the newer He-Man short series done by Kevin Smith.

The 1990's X-Men cartoon
Don’t know how todays kids would find it but 80s kids movie Explorers with Ethan Hawke

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