Exhaustive review sponsored by the Pentagon finds NO link between Saddam, al Qaida

Well, here's where we simply disagree. I see Bush's actions as just. Maybe not for all the reasons the Administration tried to use as their arguments prior to the war. Was there some shortcutting going on with the Administration's prewar arguments, I believe there was. I agree with you that it is quite possible that the Administration concluded that the "selling" of the war to the American people had to be kept simple. And that the sales job was a deliberate distortion. I would definitely be open minded to that argument.

But that is a different argument than saying the Bush Administration had no reason to invade Iraq, and thus Bush was "unjust" in his aggression. The Bush Administration, like the Clinton Administration before them, had just reasons to depose Saddam. At least that's what President Clinton signed off on.

The Bush administration intentionally misled the American people based on contrived evidence to go to war in the interest of big oil. In this sense, it was an unjust, uncessary, and costly foreign policy decision done not in the name of national security--because it's been proven time and again Hussein did not pose an immediate threat to NATIONAL security.

And to compare Bush's policies with Clinton's is equally misleading. Clinton did not invade Iraq, Bush did.