And rightfully so. I just seems to me that there is more strategy involved in Halo. Some of you may think I'm crazy, but so be it.
In Halo, smarts come into play so much more. There is just so much you can do once your engaged in battle and so many ways to outsmart your opponent.
In COD4 70% of the game just relies on reaction. No matter what gun you use, when you come face to face with an enemy, its just who can pull the trigger first. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that, its just a different style. I think they tried to even things out with perks and such. But failed miserable with crap such as martyrdom.
And for whoever said Halo guys suck once they move to COD. I went into my first game of COD the other day and jumped in a free for all game. I didn't know what gun I had, I had never seen the map before and didn't know a thing about tactics in the game. I ended the game in 1st place with 25 kills and 7 deaths. Then continued on to rape level 55's in Team Slayer just because I could pull the trigger faster.
So you see, I beat "good" COD players my first time on. How about all you folks who have never played a game of Halo 3 actually come try it out before you judge. And lets see how your quick reaction time fairs in Halo.