Xbox live pwning cheaters...

according to majornelson, they are:

• Resetting the entire Gamerscore for an account to zero
• The account will be unable to regain all previously obtained achievements and Gamerscore, however, the players will have the ability to gain future Achievements by earning them fairly, like the majority of the Xbox LIVE community does.
• The account will be clearly labeled as a cheater for the community to view on You can see an example here. In dash, the personal view of the gamercard will be labeled as well.

That last one is awesome. They change the gamer tag to reflect that the person is a cheater. Awesome. Can you imagine the reaction of these kids when they see that? Just awesome.

It's interesting, though, because these people pay $50 a year to have their account. MS is messing with paying customers who broke their rules.