Good post. I almost wanted to bring dapperdan in as an example, because you don't see him coming in on a lot of the weakest threads, where there seems to be the greatest amount of complaining about liberal bias, or liberal whatever. The reason you don't see him IMHO is because they are weak threads to begin with.
He's a great poster who has a conservative point of view, but at the same time he's usually pretty open to having his mind changed about things if the arguments are strong enough. He doesn't change his mind much, but still, that's probably why threads that he invests in are pretty strong.
I'm not trying to get a date with him or anything, but I just think he's a good example of someone who mostly argues from a conservative point of view, but you don't see him giving a flip about Rush Limbaugh, do you? I think the smartest conservatives know that's just a silly sideshow topic.