Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh?

Actually your point was that the EE is unfair to conservatives. Allow me to quote you:

Now your trying to turn it into a debate about Rush listeners while taking the claims of victim hood to the next level because your point Shawn and I responded to has been effectively debunked.

So, on your new point about Rush listeners I think they come in all shapes and sizes. You have some that just parrot him and some the use him as yet another source of information as the process things in their own mind and formulate opinions.

As with most things it's not black and white.

Actually if you would have quoted my entire post you would have also show the first half of the post:

I would not have thought you felt this way.

I listen to rush whenever my schedule allows it, generally about 7ish hours a week (of 15 hours of programming)

I can tell by the comments that the majority of "rush haters" do not listen to him.

Often his comments and thoughts are taken out of context, and he is far less a cheerleader for the republican party than levin or hannity.

Rush makes no bones that he is an entertainer and he does what he does and says what he says to make money.

He gives very thoughtful political insight and as TPS says presents angles that are both often correct and outside of the mainstream thought.

Does he have a bias against Liberals? Yes, he disagrees with the policies.

He takes issues with the republicans when it may be unpopular with his fan base to do so, but of course he will ultimately always side with the republicans because for a conservative the Dems are just not an option.

Rush's biggest problem (IMHO) is his huge ego. which can easily get tiresome of listen to, but being a listener, and someone who agrees with limbaugh on multiple issues (not all personally) does not make you "brainwashed".

Nor does defending him...

I thought lazybones did a good job defending himself from the masses in the other thread..

Again I started by saying that being a rush listener does not make you brainwashed, then followed that with a generalation that you decided to quote as my orginal post, that because of such generalizations I feel the EE is unfairly harsh on conservatives,

no one addressed my rush limbaugh point and went straight to the generalization, which I knew would happen, and began to attack to me saying I was whining, which I also predicted when I said, in that same post:

"I'll stop pointing this out before I get accussed of conservative crybagging..."