Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh?

TPS, very good points. But one of the things that you and others don't seem to want to even think about or admit is that Rush listeners do not get their thinking from him but that the precise reason for his lasting success is that he very eloquently(sometimes;) ) puts into words exactly how alot of his audience already feels about certain issues. .

And that is at the core of the problem. Some of his listeners, the most vocal unfortunately, "feel" ways about things without having any idea why or any independent thought about it. They then just go around parroting his talking points without knowing what they are really talking about.

Those people then show up on message boards and in real life spouting little Rush one liners without the ability to defend themselves. And as a result, get viewed as idiots.

Some of that does wrongfully fall on people who happen to share those views, but know why, but it's not like you are being persecuted. If you present the reasons for your view, that is always respected. What isn't respected are the drive by "your a liberale" or "you must be a liberale" posts that shoot through the board. Unfortunately, some of that bad vibe does go wrongfully on to some who don't deserve it.

But, that's why we have the ability to explain our points of view. If someone takes a cheap shot at you, beat them with logic. Because complaining that you are somehow persecuted isn't going to do it.