Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh?

TPS, very good points. But one of the things that you and others don't seem to want to even think about or admit is that Rush listeners do not get their thinking from him but that the precise reason for his lasting success is that he very eloquently(sometimes;) ) puts into words exactly how alot of his audience already feels about certain issues. I don't need him to tell me I am a fiscal conservative and have been for many years, I don't need him to tell me I don't like Hillary Clinton, I don't need him to tell me I support being on the offensive on the war on terror. Rush was not around to tell me what a disaster Jimmy Carter's Presidency was, I figured that on my own, He was not around to tell me that Ronald Reagan was a conservative's conservative, I figured that on my own. I also absolutely do not agree with everything he says, which is another thing that Rush haters seem not to be able to admit about his audience. I have some liberal thinking on alot social issues, but am a political conservative.

I think what the issue here is there is a big difference between Rush simply saying what you already believe in and believing in what Rush says.

This is where it gets tricky, for those who find that Rush says what they believe, you've come to those beliefs and conclusions on your own and can readily defend YOUR take on that position and explain how you got there. At that point, conversations typically begin to discuss the general weaknesses or strengths of what led that person to their beliefs. This essentially allows both sides of a conversation to address the underlying issues and have significant discourse.

Unfortunately, what we typically what we see on the EE from 'conservatives' is a stance that is stated by Rush (or some other similar personality) and when pressed on the matter, rely solely on the justifications given/espoused by said personality. Upon further pressure, they buckle cry foul and claim they are being attacked or ganged up on. With drive by talking points, cliches, and beliefs established by personalities there is no discourse or ability for people aligned on opposite ends of the issue to communicate their positions effectively which may result in learning a thing or two about the very topic you are discussing. Instead everythread devolves into shouting cliches.

Now once again before the ganging up on cries continue, I personally am, for the most part, conservative. However every position that I hold, I do so because I've thought long and hard about it. So I'll gladly take you from my belief in anything to the very roots of why I believe that. Every step you push me on that belief will be explainable down to a simple point or life experience. And, in some rare instance if I get to a point where I can't exactly tell you why I feel that way, I'll admit it.