Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh?

Yes, all Rush does is "articulate better what I was thinking anyways". But the core problem is what you "think" anyways are (often) just gut feelings and suspicions at first. "I feel like we need to be in Iraq". You really don't know why at first. I mean there are lots of terrorists in the Middle East and dem suckers bombed us, but you don't really understand the underlying strategy or issue. It just "feels" right. Then you can do one of two things.

First you can examine the issue. Consume news stories from multiple places, learn about the region, listen to a variety of experts, and analyze the issue intellectually. Or you can tune into Rush on the drive home (hey you're busy, I understand)

So Rush comes on with his ridiculously oversimplified talking points and you go "yeah, yeah that does sound right. That der Al Qaeda is in Iraq. Ditto Rush, we should stay and fight"

Well he just "articulated what you thought anyways"

But where's the thinking? You still don't understand the issue. Rush isn't there to "teach". He doesn't help you "learn" anything. You took a gut, visceral reaction like "Dat der Black preacher hates white people" or "we need to kill dem terrorists", had it articulated into a 10 second sound byte or talking point . . .

And are now parroting it everywhere. Sheep. Baaaaaa