Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh?

You did not, I was asking if you shared that view.

You did (I took anyway) imply that anyone defending Rush limbaugh was not a "smart conservative" which I took to mean dumb.

I didn't anticipate the need to split hairs so much.

Did anyone see SuperBad? Or Bad Santa? I liked both of those movies. They are crass and vulgar and childish. That doesn't mean anyone who saw those movies or enjoyed them is a crass, childish, buffoon. They are probably more likely to be crass and childish, than would be the audience for "Ghandi."

On the other hand, I did point out that those who I consider the sharpest conservative posters on this board, are almost never involved in discussions about defending a guy like Rush. It doesn't necessarily follow in reverse, that defending Rush makes you a stupid. Still, it's an observation worth noting.

Will there be outrage if I trash PJ O'Rourke?