Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh?

George F. Will -- Washington Post Opinion Writer ( -

Conservatism needs more voices of this ilk. Pat Buchanan, although rather shillish at times is another incredibly intellectually rigorous individual. There are more credible conservative voices, but Hannity, Rush, and Coulter have had more appeal.

I like Buchanan.

Sometimes he's an ***. And I don't agree with a LOT of his isolationist tendencies. But there's no doubt the guy is sharp, well informed, and often just plain interesting to listen to.

I don't rate Buchanan at the top of my list, but he's a solid guy who I'd listen to any day. I wouldn't dare mention him in the same breath with Rush.

Ditto on Gingrich, though for some reason, when he becomes politcally active, he seems to become insane. Intellectually, he's a heavyweight. I'd love to have dinner with him.