Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh?

No doubt many individuals have independently arrived at their respective viewpoints (possibly up to and including ideologies) separately from the Rush Limbaugh show. I'm not sure anyone would deny that. But at the same time, throw me the bone and admit that plenty of people have come to their understanding via that and similar programs. Just look at so many people wanting to call themselves "conservative" as if traditional conservative principles have any benefit whatsoever for them as citizens or Americans. Sure, the few privileged out there maybe. But it's a movement steeped more in anger than anything. That's certainly my opinion, but I know and run with many conservatives. They are not all bigoted, but there are some common themes and angsts that I'm sure you can't possibly chalk up to chance alone. :shrug:

And this goes back to HouDat's post regarding the definition of conservatism. Your idea of conservatism is obviously far different from mine. I believe that lower taxes and less government intrusion in our lives---tenants of my conservatism---benefit all Americans. Those who see a need for the government to provide various social services will obviously disagree with me. As for the anger, I would proffer that there is much more anger generated from those on the Left side of the political spectrum---the comment sections on the Daily Kos and Huffington Post attest to that. We see the world differently, and that's o.k.