Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh?

And this goes back to HouDat's post regarding the definition of conservatism. Your idea of conservatism is obviously far different from mine. I believe that lower taxes and less government intrusion in our lives---tenants of my conservatism---benefit all Americans. Those who see a need for the government to provide various social services will obviously disagree with me. As for the anger, I would proffer that there is much more anger generated from those on the Left side of the political spectrum---the comment sections on the Daily Kos and Huffington Post attest to that. We see the world differently, and that's o.k.

We all see the world through the lens of our biases. If we agree with someone their anger is warranted and just them expressing themselves. If we don't they are shrill and angry because they are wrong.

I know someone I agree with gets much more latitude from me in regards to how I view their position or how well they are conducting themselves in a debate.