Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh?

>>If you can put forth coherent meaningful ideas I don't care if your primary source of information is Penn and Teller.

As Atheist Libertarians, I'd tend to believe that they would be right up your alley. Their show Bull **** (not a TOS violation I don't believe unless of course the show is all one word in which case I'll take my infraction like a man) was one of the overall greatest, if not the greatest, television programs of the 21st Century to date. If you have never watched it, I recommend you go either to their website or to You Tube and pick your favorite topic (from the Bible to Bottled Water to Feng Shway - sp?). If it's part of popular culture, they have already debunked it. I promise you that much.

Penn & Teller > * ( [tm - Coach Largent] )


I'll have to check them out. I never even knew about this show.