Rainbow Six Vegas 2 >= COD4 ???
Dude, if I had some sticky grenades and some Mark VI armor, I'd be running out in the open chucking some grenades.
I think I still have a video on my account in Halo 3 where I launched myself from a man cannon and hit a Ghost (or whatever the flying purple ship is) with two sticky grenades while in mid air. It blew up in the air, hit the ground, and blew up again.
Wanna tick someone off in CoD4? Play Domination in Ground War on a medium sized map and equip 6 players on your team with 3 flash bangs and 1 frag grenade, and the other 3 with 1 flash bang and 3 frags. Unless your opponent REALLY knows how to play, they will be completely incapacitated the entire game. For extra laughs, equip yourself with Eavesdrop so you can listen to the other team whine.
When I prestige next time, I'm going to play up through level 55 using only a pistol, knife, and grenades. No big guns unless I'm playing Bloc... then I'll use a sniper.
When I was big into Gears, I used to play a ton with two clans... Infinity and Prophecy. Still have all those guys in my friends list. I didn't know this, but they were ranked #1 and #4 in the world in GoW in 2007.