Next up...Homeowner Bailout being kicked around

Unlike the brilliant experts here, many honest, hard working people were taken advantage of who were only trying to have something nice. Do they bear some of the blame? Absolutely. Do they deserve to be homeless and have no credit for ten years? Not in my opinion. Make sure lenders can't have such lending policies again. Lend a hand, not give a handout, to the borrowers, and the problem is solved.

I see your points and even understand them. I think a lot of people are ****** because they have been living responsible yet they ultimately will be the ones footing the bill for the big banks and lending houses exercising predatory lending trends plus they get to foot the bill for the people that were naive enough to sign the papers on the other end. These will be the only people to do the right thing, the only people to pay the price and the only people that don't get to see the benefits.

The big CEO's will still get hundred million dollar bonuses, the irresponsible spender will still get his oversized house or a pass for making the mistake while the responsible spender pays the bills for both.