Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh?

>>If you can put forth coherent meaningful ideas I don't care if your primary source of information is Penn and Teller.

As Atheist Libertarians, I'd tend to believe that they would be right up your alley. Their show Bull **** (not a TOS violation I don't believe unless of course the show is all one word in which case I'll take my infraction like a man) was one of the overall greatest, if not the greatest, television programs of the 21st Century to date. If you have never watched it, I recommend you go either to their website or to You Tube and pick your favorite topic (from the Bible to Bottled Water to Feng Shway - sp?). If it's part of popular culture, they have already debunked it. I promise you that much.

Penn & Teller > * ( [tm - Coach Largent] )


I saw most of their shows, the one on bottled water was an absolute gem! They set up an upscale Bottled Water Restaurant in Hollywood and had the patrons taste test several expensive brands against their "house" brand, while the people were drinking the "house" brand and saying how much better it tasted than the expensive brands, they were showing how the "house" brand bottles were being filled by a garden hose from a spigot in the back alley of the restaurant, Hilarious!!