Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh?

I am a 24/7 member. i don't spew his talking points, but do the principles of conservatism. the cool thing for me was reading the Ronald Reagan diaries and seeing his thoughts. years earlier i read rush's book (in college as assignment) and as I go back and reference, they have the same philosophies.

I agree, make the poll public. only liberals are afraid to say who they are.

Spam my question is not whether there is places to get better info. the question is where on the radio can you go? i love mark Levin, he is on now 99.5 he is a constitutional lawyer, is brilliant and salty, but he is not rush.

You guys may not agree with him, but he is the best of the best. there is a reason that there are ZERO successful liberal shows. There is not market. Most liberals, kids and intellectuals, do not listen to talk radio. they listen to music, or the net and that is cool. The EIB is a show just as Keith Oberman has a show. I love Oberman as an entertainer, but I disagree TOTALLY with his politics. It is a business

I love these comments about marching orders. Are you serious? do you actually think educated people take marching orders. the people that i associate with, GIVE marching orders. did Reagan give marching orders. NO, he motivated people to achieve for themselves. if any of you actually listened to him(im sure some of you do, just saying), you would hear this same message. you must remember his personality is what sells.

Mark Levin the guy above talks about the humility of rush and how his personality so mistaken to the actual person he is.

You may not agree with his politics, but you should not insult his ilk. The one thing we as conservatives hold precious is LIFE, LIBERTY and THE PURSUIT of HAPPINESS!

This post absolutely, positively, says absolutely NOTHING. You support life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, yet you have a very limited definition of all three things. You've essentially defined liberals into a Freudian construct--which belies one of Rush' undeniable truths of life:

When liberals run out of arguments, they rely on emotion.

Yeah, I'd say it's the same for so many so-called "conservatives"

You see black and white, in other words, its more like you support life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness--as long is it comports with your political point of view.

And don't get me wrong, that view will be in favor of a large, bloated, intrusive federal government at the same time while proclaiming being in favor of small government.

I *sniff* yeah I smell it. Smells like hypocrisy.