Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh?

This post absolutely, positively, says absolutely NOTHING. You support life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, yet you have a very limited definition of all three things. You've essentially defined liberals into a Freudian construct--which belies one of Rush' undeniable truths of life:

When liberals run out of arguments, they rely on emotion.

Yeah, I'd say it's the same for so many so-called "conservatives"

You see black and white, in other words, its more like you support life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness--as long is it comports with your political point of view.

And don't get me wrong, that view will be in favor of a large, bloated, intrusive federal government at the same time while proclaiming being in favor of small government.

I *sniff* yeah I smell it. Smells like hypocrisy.

I get that if you believe that because i favor BIG TIME national defense means i believe in big government is a farce. I have posted many times that DEFENSE I think should be one of the very few, and i cant think of another right off, things the feds should handle.

i don't see any emotion in my points. I promise you i can discuss ANY topic you want on any level. I have read some of your post that are not in reply to mine, and we share some philosophies.

i think you are more libertarian than conservative. I think you agree with some liberal philosophies as well. I don't.

where is my hypocrisy? I know you are not going to come back with national defense. this is a slippery slope that you just can't climb. especially when you quantify my whole argument.

by the way in college, i debated on the other side of all of these issues(Louisiana and George State champion, you can check out my trophies in the communications department of SLU) I did vote for nader and then clinton. i did not get really politically involved until i started paying CRAZY taxes. this was in 2000. I have become more conservative since.