Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh?


Your on the ropes and you know it.

Domestic spending includes money for those who served in this nation's military; the more military commitments, the more maimed, disabled, and mentally scarred soldiers.

Taking care of them won't fall under the defense budget.

Military veterans get a whole littany of special benefits with domestic programs. It began with the GI Bill passed in 1944.

Let's cut man. Be a real conservative. Be a real rugged individual.

Here's a few more: let's cut interstate highways. Eisenhower came up with that one, stupid idea. Let's cut it. Social Security? Same thing. How many on this board have relatives or have loved ones who have relied on SS? Lots. Yeah, lets just gut domestic spending but pour billions into Iraq. :9:

I am in 100% in favor of taking care of the warriors.

as far as your or anyone Else's loved ones living off of social programs, I am against it.

my father is disabled, he gets a check. i don't like it. it was his responsibility to take care of those things earlier on in his life.

it is not your responsibility to take care of him. and yes he did serve in Vietnam, and no that is not why he receives DA.

as far as your highways....again i am for LOCAL government and FREE MARKET.

I know you as a small Fed gov kind of guy can understand this.

You are the epitome of a big gov guy if you are in favor of SOCIAL PROGRAMS 80% of the budget.

by the way this is a thread on listening to limbaugh, sorry we got off track.