Howard Dean, thanks for the election! GOP will be thanking Dean in November.

>>The likely target is DNC leadership (or lack of leadership)--Howard Dean.

Which is ridiculous because it's misplaced anger IMHO. I listened to Chairman Dean a few weeks ago on NPR discuss the issue at length. Everything he said was legitimate. We are a nation of laws and rules and you play by them. You don't change the rules in the middle of the game. While it would suck for the voting Democrats to hold their eventual nominee liable for their own state party's mistakes, there was a plan in place on how the primary was to be run. I'll see if I can find a transcript of that interview, and anyone who finds fault with Dean's assessment of the situation simply doesn't know what they are talking about. I'm not suggesting that he won't bear the brunt of whatever blame might get passed around, but it's still misplaced. Florida already cost the world 8 years of the worst presidency of any of our liftimes on every imaginable issue, policy and screwjob against the American People [tm] - and I don't care what any of you Carter haters say about it because it will only prove that you don't know what you're talking about there either...

Begins at 3:51 into the conversation (7:00 or so explains exactly what's up). Listen to it and find fault with any of his logic. Seriously.
