shockey admits to future trade??

I just am skeptical of anything that's unsubstantiated on the internet. If I believed everything I read on the internet, then I would believe that the gov't was behind 9/11 and George W Bush personally detonated the levees.

You mean they weren't behing 9/11 and blowing the levees? :hihi:

I take just about everything I read/hear from a 3rd person with a grain of salt. None of it changes my life one way or another... I guess that's just how I deal with things.

As far as Shockey... I think coming to N.O. would be great for his image actually... he can get his hands dirty with rebuilding the city, and he'll be around a bunch of great character guys. I mean he can't be as bad as they say he is... he's from Fargo, North Dakota... no time to develop a bad attitude there... its too damm cold! :hihi: