The NBA title is the hardest title in Major sports to win.

Seriously, the best athletes? Because they can run and bounce a ball all the way to the ground and back up? If basketball was so difficult than why do they score so many points? I bet it's much harder to hit a deflect a puck with your stick coming at you at an extremely high rate of speed or to hit a fastball/curve ball than it is to drain a 3. Hell I can drain some 3's.

I'll bet you AND I have a much better chance of hitting that 90 mph baseball or deflecting that fast puck than we have of draining a 3 while Kobe Bryant is guarding us. There's a zero percent chance you will make a 3. Meanwhile, I know from personal experience that I will hit that 90mph baseball about 20-30% of the time. The puck? I don't know, but there's almost no chance of me scoring on Kobe Bryant.

You obviously have never played basketball with actually talented players.