The Older I get the Less I Can Stand Teenagers!

Is this just the normal way of things? or am I turning into a fuddy-duddy?
You're just growing up and getting wiser, and getting less patience for the unwise. Words like "cool," and "popular," become more or less meaningless (or should) past age 17, so you care less about your image, and more about your own substance and production.
...And they generally suck in bed too. (I'm referring to teenagers who are 18 or 19, obviously.)
Arent you a PROFESSOR? I'm not trying to start a flame-war here, and I dont care about your preference, but I would have kept that one to myself. I like to think you meant something else by that, right? Surely you do not sleep with your students.
Seriously, this post really ticks me off. . . . Just for the record, I hate all of you too, then.....
JoeHornFan, On behalf of old people, I apologize to you for lumping you in with the worst of a group, even though you give me crap about my basketball team. I had no Idea you were young. I'm not worried about your defensive comment either, as I was rather militant myself as a teen. Relax, and stay cool, my friend. This is about the bad "overall" behaviour, and obviously doesnt apply to you. Continue to think of us as your friends.
I hate teenagers with their rock n roll music, picture shows, and jukeboxes. I also hate their youthful idealism, carefree attitude, and the failure to recognize that now is the best their lives will ever get.
I'll give you carefee attitude, which is more on the lines of "naivety." (sp?) Idealism I still have, and except for that darn responsibility thing, along with some aches, this is by far the best time of my life at 40-something.. . If your teen years were your best, then you're doing something wrong now.
....Then you graduate and realize your life is going to be pretty dull until you turn 65, by which point you'll be too decrepit to enjoy not having to work anymore.
It is what you make it. I promise you I'm having more fun than I did as a teen. Being 43 rocks for me! . .Barring an unfortunate event, (such as touching the wrong father's kids) you'll only be decrepit at 65 if you abuse your body.

When I was a kid, a lot of old people liked the Beatles, Mo-Town, etc. I knew Disco was crap, just like I know today's music is crap. Has nothing to do with age. Crap is crap. And walking around with your underwear showing pretty much speaks for itself. It reminds me of a old prank, "Hey, Joey, today is walking-around-with-your-underwear-showing day at school. People will reaaaaaaly think you're cool if. . . (heh heh heh)"

I wouldnt be a teacher for any amount of money today, because society no longer demands personal responsibility or respect from youth. But I'm sure there are lots of quality teenaged people out there, even those I might disagree with, who only want what is right.

I personally dont have much trouble from teenagers. They all call me "sir," which drives me nuts, and seem generally afraid of me.