What I would give up to get Dorsey who just happens to be just what we need!!!
I'm am on the Glenrick Dorsellis bandwagon. I'd love to see the Saints make the move for one of them. Because of my LSU colored glasses, I naturally like Dorsey slightly more, but they are both going to wreak havoc in the NFL. And they are both more than just run-stopping plugs in the middle. They have the motor and strength to knock offensive linemen over and sack the QB or take down the RB in the backfield.
While it is looking somewhat unlikely and that we'll end up with Laws or Sims in the 2nd round, I'd much rather Glenrick Dorsellis. Laws and Sims will be run stopper plugs, but no more than that. I think they will be good players, but Dorsey and Ellis are future multiple pro-bowlers and will make an impact for their teams right away.
We probably don't have what it would take to trade up to #2 - #5. A value chart says our #1, #2, and #5 should get us there (which is A LOT to give up), but seeing as we would not be the only suitor, we'd have to give up more. The teams in those spots will be contacted by more than one team (some probably already have been), so they'll want "a little extra" due to the competition; and if they don't get that little extra, they'll stand pat and take their guy, IMHO.