Brandon Coutu

Sorry, I don't believe in drafting kickers. Ever. Name one Super Bowl champion (or even a contender) for whom the kicker was a key player.

Do you think the Patriots, or the Colts, or the Giants, or the 49ers of old, kicked their way to titles? Champs score touchdowns. Sure, a few games are decided by kicks, but most really good teams don't let it get that close. You use a 6th on a kicker, and maybe you are passing on another Marques Colston.

The real problem with long-legged kickers is that they are a temptation. They tempt teams to settle for field goals instead of going for it. That's what always drove me crazy about Jim Mora -- he would play for field goals instead of TDs. If Mora had a Saints team with no kicker on the roster, I think the Saints would have won some playoff games.

I say pass.

IIRC the Bills kicked their way out of one. I don't have a problem with drafting a kicker in 6th or 7th if he is a great prospect. With the exception of Colston, those picks are usually not on the final 53 anyway.