Saints withdraw 2012 Superbowl bid

So since the state has been short since 2002 makes it ok for them to whine about their contractual obligations every single year? No it doesn't... it just makes Louisiana look like a state that is not willing nor able to live up to its end of any business deal. Suprise suprise.
It makes Louisiana look like a state that's tired of getting ripped off. We already look foolish as the only state to offer a sports franchise such a deal. I don't see anyone whining either. You're going to need to supply me with a link.

As far as the limits set on the surplus spending... nonsense. They busted the cap last month. If the state choses to honor the contract, they can and will.
Who said the state can't honor the contract? Nobody on this thread. This happens every year. The state announces a shortfall oin the hotel/motel tax. Tom Benson says something classless and the the state has a special session to approve the payment of the difference to Benson Football, LLC (a Texas business) out of the general fund.

The state constitution limits what surpluses can be used for. You just can't snap your fingers and do what you want. That's the kind of business climate we want to change. It will have to come from somewhere else or they will have to amend the state constitution.

As far as the hotel/motel tax, a large portion of that money never leaves the hands of the state. Sure, they send back a pre-determined percentage for deals such as this one. They should release more in times like this. Politicians would love for you to believe that other revenue sources are tied up, and this is a hopeless situation. That is nonsense as well. They can and will divert funds and this deal will be saved. If not, you can blame the state... nobody else.

Beyond that, I agree with all of your points. They are good ones.
I don't know what specifically the funds are used for so I won't pretend that I do. I am sure that some of it is used in other areas like infrastructure improvement, the convention center, etc. However, cash payments to a private company come last if you ask me.

I have no sympathy for Tom Benson. He came crying to the state, begging them to find a way to keep the Saints from being at the bottom of the revenue-producing list in the NFL. As a result, he is the only professional sports franchise that receives cash payments from a state government. Now that the state has issues meeting the lofty promises (created by a lame duck Governor who knew he would never have to sign the checks or beg for the Legislature to cover shortfalls) he refuses to renegotiate and makes remarks like "Give me my money or tell me to leave".