Petraeus works to halt foreign fighters.

Of course not. I think BA has stated as much; along with the oil, it was phase I of the neoconservative agenda of attempting to remake the middle east in America's image--supplanting a democracy in Iraq was supposed to rile up the Iranians, and from many perhaps hasten a showdown.

Nevermind the fact that Iran has no navy, no real large standing army which could invade its neighbors without getting clobbered. The same individuals who are trumping up this Iranian "threat" were talking about how much of a threat Hussein was before invading Iraq.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice. :nono:

I was hinting that if we weren't on some hair brained scheme in Iraq that this soldier with 5 kids would not have died needlessly.
When discussing things like this I think "boots on the ground" has no business being brought into the picture. It may be sobering but it doesn't do much in an argument imo.

In fact, it should be so sobering to people that changes are made to stop things like that from happening.

Cue...But we need a big huge military presence worldwide for our protection supporters.
Or the people who just say-go America, Kick some ***.