McAllister's deal proves there's no loyalty in NFL
This article is spot on. The problem is that the NFL does a better job positioning itself in the media. If players took the time to get good advice and play the media game properly they might not be viewed the way they are.
This is very similar to what happened to Joe Horn. He felt like he had earned is extension. After a season plagued by injuries the Saints said, take a pay cut or you will be released. He took his release. The difference here is that Duece has more class than the Saints and he took the pay cut. Fans will love him for it. Fact of the matter is that Duece has proved to be a shrewd business man and probably is more worried about stability in his living situation and being around his family then he is about the money. He does not have the arrogant bravado of a Joe Horn.
The NFL holds all the cards in the cuirrent CBA and that is why they are the most profitable sports league in the US. That is also why we are heading toward a long labor dispute in a few years.