Law School

Since this thread is still hanging around, I have another question.

My scholarship says I have to maintain a 3.0 GPA. (If I don't have a 3.0 the first year, I get a year to bring it up and still recieve half of the scholarship amount.) How hard was/is it to get a 3.0 (at your law school)? Where would a 3.0 put you in your class?

If I remember correctly a 3.0 at Tulane would probably be just below the middle of the class. I think a 3.1-3.2 was the median and/or average. Or it could have been the other way: 2.8-2.9 was the median/mean. I think it was the former but I do remember that 3.0 was either right below or right above.

I don't know how other schools are but at Tulane I think about, maybe a little less, a quarter of the people flunked out the first year (either first or second semester). The school told us it was a third, but I think that was on the high end. So it certainly wasn't a case of paying your fees and getting your Bs. I got a several grades less than a B.