man wins home irs wont let him have it..

I don't think we should be tax free, thats just silly. But the fact that you will be taxed for anything and everything that you use and/or acquire in your life is ridiculous. The obvious example is buying a car, when its bought new taxes are paid on it, and every time its resold taxes are paid on it. I just think its a scam. Especially with the awesome job the government does of keeping the levees from caving in and filling potholes. You have income tax, great. Then you have sales tax. Sounds like double dipping to me.

It is double dipping. There's double, triple, quadruple and brazillion dipping. I agree govt spends too much, but as it stands we tax too little. The increase in federal and state and local debt is going to be a problem in the future to an even greater extent that it is now. So, we can whine and moan about semantics of how its collected, but if you don't want to pay gift, estate, windfall taxes, then we'll just have to agree on 65% for federal income tax. One way of the other, its going to get paid or we'll borrow ourselves into the next Great Depression.