What is Denver's fans chanting after 3rd downs?

No, he is right. They chant IN-COM-PLETE. It is much easier to tell in Mile High, but that is what they say. If you listen close, you can hear the game announcer say "Pass from Manning is"..... and then the fans chime in.

They have been doing it for years and it is the most annoying crap on the face of the Earth. I HATE the Freaking Donkeys! Ok I'm better now.

This guy is right. I've been to a few games. The PA sets it up: "(QB)'s pass to (receiver) is . . ." and then the crowd yells "IN-COM-PLETE!" It is SO ghey. I'm glad no other NFL crowds (that I know of) have started doing this.

Oh, and I hate the Freakin Donkeys too.