Major Announcement planned for NFL in L.A.

Did you last two guys miss my post?

The reason they left was because of Stadium issues not Fan support, stop hatin' on LA.

The information that I ready is that Attendance was lagging, including only 30,000 for the final game in Anaheim.

Similar things show up with the Raiders move. From 1990 to 1994 the Raiders earned on average $14 million a year from the sale of tickets in Los Angeles. But from 1995 to 2001 in Oakland, the Raiders averaged $23 million per year in ticket sales.

I am sorry for "hatin" on L.A., but it does appear from what I can find that Attendance issues and politics is why Los Angeles doesn't have any teams. It just doesn't make sense for an owner to move his team if they were selling out every game and making good money for ticket sales. How can a team not make it in Los Angeles with all of the corporate dollars in the area, etc.

Now that being said, I do remember the final years of the Rams in Los Angeles when the Saints would play there and I can remember games in which the attendance was not so great. I don't remember the issues surrounding the moves of the Rams and the Raiders.

Revenue is dropping because, in the case of several Los Angeles teams, attendance is declining.

After attendance at Rams games dropped, owner Georgia Frontiere moved the team to St. Louis after the 1994 season.

Attendance drop spurs talk one or both teams may move
Home game attendance for the Southland's two professional football teams is running more than 25 percent below the National Football League average this season, spurring talk once again that one or both of the teams may move.