BCS rejects the plus one 4 team playoff system.

For years, I have been saying the other conferences should call Jim Delaney's bluff and institute a playoff system without his precious Big 10. If the Lack 10 wants to be left out as well, leave 'em out.

Down with tyranny! The other conferences should band together, institute the 8 team playoff and tell the NCAA they can back them or lose them to a new alliance. Enough already.

I get the feeling that none of the other conferences (outside the two that presented the idea) really wanted it either. They are all a bunch of chickens.

The only way it's going to happen is if congress gets involved and forces them, or by some miracle that will never happen, fans will start boycotting college football (and quit paying money) till a playoff is instituted.

What a crock, the ONLY sport without a recognized national champion is the single most popular sport out of all college athletics. These dinasours need to be fired and replaced. Come on rich alumni of EVERY major university needs to band together and start putting pressure on the colleges. We need to start a website that calls for all alumni EVERYWHERE to refuse to donate money till this injustice has been resolved!