The story of Joe Don Looney

Every few days or so, news of another talented player getting released because of character concerns, and that in turn starts a few threads/discussions over whether the Saints should sign this guy...

I'm one of the ones who is very thankful that Sean Payton puts a heavy emphasis on character and ships out talented guys who can't stay on the straight and narrow.

Over the 41+ year history of the Saints, their roster is littered with guys who were given 2nd and 3rd chances... Don Reese -a talented pass rusher who served time after he and fellow Dolphin Randy Crowder sold cocaine to an undercover cop. Guys who were drafted, but couldn't beat the coke habit -Chuck Munice, Reggie Sutton, Barry Word...

But one of the more interesting characters was running back Joe Don Looney. The States Item (or Times Picayunne, I really can't remember if it was the morning or evening paper) ran a photo of Joe Don, who had all world talent, doing push-ups with Danny Abramowitz sitting on his back (with the headline, "Fears singing Looney Tunes").

Here's how his football career went...

My point is while there are reclaimation projects to be had, more often than not, the things that got players in trouble with their previous team, follow them throughout their lives -because those players rarely change those habits -they still hang around the same friends, still travel to the same haunts, etc.

I'd rather not deal with them...