What is the rep meter?

Shall I start a new Nickname thread for the lineman already? Or is it too early in the morning still?

Oh man, let us get some coffee first!! {insert snickering smilie here}

Negative rep for you! just kidding....

Seriously, the rep thing can be a good thing, or it can turn into a mess. I think the most important thing to remember is to avoid giving negative rep just because you disagree with someone. That's just not fair. What makes this forum great is that so many can state their opinions without getting flamed....let's not turn the rep meter into "sneaky flaming". Have respect for others' opinions, even if they differ from yours. Save the negatives for the true trolls that invariably appear.

Okay, I've been playing around here for over an hour already this morning, and I have SO much to do! Oh what the hay, the other work can wait....