Keep my 360 or trade for PS3?

I own a 360, and the most excited I have been about a game (is MGS4 and its PS3 exclusive) Oblivion now is one PS3 (imo BEST GAME EVER) I personally don;t want a PS3... but I don;t even have a high def T.V. I just had raw dealings with sony and really would never go back, my own personal. But they do have a superior system to date. Dosen;' fail on the reg (even tho thats "Fixed') or supposed to be. They got metal Gear... ok some say its splinter cell but worse, hey take that opinion. I say it kicks splinter cell in the chone figgens, combine that with GOW3 (for Rich) where is the draw back, plus it costs more.... really grab the PS3, I like my 360 but i do not wok for microsoft, no money is in my pocket. MGS4 from what I have seen my friends play in fronty of me owns, plus Sony has better exclusives, and much more that MS, and game from Japan or and exclusive Japan company like Konajimi... will not be released for 360... those guys stick together and they will be PS3 exclusive forever (thats just how it is) The Japaneesee (spelling) stick together and just will not let it happen.. you will have more exclusives, and the games keep getting better and better.... Plus the 360 is cheaper than a PS3 that is reason enough alone... Dude i have a360 and a Game ready computer... for you, I would choose the ps3... For me ... I HOLD GRUDGES, and i will never buy a PS3 sony in my life time... but why make you suffer.. Make the deal.