Keep my 360 or trade for PS3?

we are so busted when the mongoose shows up

I can't even tell what the hell the argument is. Here are some random thoughts:

1) I, not Authentic, am the biggest 360 fanboi on this site. Perhaps its because my mongoosian digits don't mate well with the patently crappy ps3 controller, perhaps its because sony is the evil root-kit empire-esque corporation that they are, perhaps its because there still really aren't nearly as many good games on ps3 compared to 360, perhaps it's because Xbox live clearly trumps this proposes ps3 home that is due in the fall of never --- either way, I hate sony so much that I would never own one, and Authentic does. So, I win that fanboi contest. Whether that's a good thing or not is something I'm not sure of.

2) Halo deserves the hype. It's the best console multiplayer game, ever. I love Authentic and we stand side by side to fight the evil that is sonyism, but we disagree here. Simply that Halo 3 is so closely related to the previous two iterations of the game make it worth the hype --- Bungie didn't feel the need to mess with something that wasn't broken. If you're looking for tight controls, the best user vs user action where skill wins 99% of the time, and great support from a developer that know how to do online multiplayer, Halo 3 is certainly worthy of the hype.

3) Bioshock wasn't really anything brand new. It was rooted deeply in system shock, and frankly while it was a good game, I don't see why it gets all the love it does. The atmosphere was cool and all, and the story was good, but I didn't have the desire to replay it again and again, which is the only way to legs out of a game with no multiplayer.

4) Alec Baldwin is the suxors.

Did I miss anything?