MSNBC- Five Worst Games of All Time

I remember I bought a game for genesis system( a long time ago) and I forget the name of the game but it was truly the worst game ever. So bad, I invited friends over just to witness how mentally challenged it was. Now I forget the name of this game but man, lol, this was just terrible to the 1000th power.

You had to lead an army through some trees. but it was an awkward camera angle and the army following you would always get stuck behind the trees, And then they would vanish behind the tress. So you went back and got some more men, but nope, once again, they would get stuck behind the trees while following you.

There was only one path which was through these trees. Well, then I would go in by myself and get pwned with no army. Me and a few others sat there for a few hours thinking to ourselves, " this actually can't be happening and there is no way they released a game like this in this condition". Yet they did.

worst game ever. I'd rather play E.t. any day of the week than this monstrously vomitous game. I wish I could remember the games name.