The Older I get the Less I Can Stand Teenagers!


I don't wear mine *that* low - they are saggy, but they don't fall down around the bottom of my butt

And I don't have to hold mine up all the time - sometimes I might need to hike it up once in a while, but it doesn't bother me

It started when I was working construction. My tool belt always made my pants sag and it just started to feel more comfortable to me. You know - the whole plumber's crack except my underwear hides anything that would otherwise be censored.

So I got used to baggy jeans with a slight sag on them from working construction.

If that puts it into perspective at all

ROTFL, that makes SENSE. But the picture I posted makes absolutely no sense to me. Your pants are probably resting more on your hips than your waist; this guy is about to lose his.