Josh Brolin Arrested in Shreveport bar

I was there and watched the whole thing happen... Also Met oliver stone that night...

The media is completely exaggerating what happened...

One of the other actors was obnoxiously drunk and the bartender told him to leave and he remained so the cops were called to remove him he resisted and was arrested, Brolin and several others went out to plead to the cops not to arrest thier actor buddies. a crowd began to surround the cops, and additional cops were called, the crowd was ordered to disperse ( as I am sure the cops were concerned about keeping order) most patrons went back inside the bar, brolin and a few others remained and basically argued with the cops to keep the other guy out of jail, after a warning to go back inside the bar, the others were arrested too.

but there was no "bar fight" outside of the resisting arrest there was no fight....