Does La. need a Bob Riley like Governor

Yeah, we'll definitely hook up next time I'm over there and vice versa - my treat of course. Yeah, I hit Dreamland, Saucy-Q and Brick Pit. They're all pretty close, but I found Brick Pit has the best pulled pork (if you go in there, you can see a brick I colored in on the ceiling near the men's bathroom - Katrina 1, TPS 0 (or something like that). Saucy-Q's (at least the one between the I-65 Corridor and Midtown) had my favorite ribs. Various Mobileans have their preferences, but I enjoyed all of them. I only went to JR's the first night I was in town, but it was pretty good too. But since it is a chain restaurant, I didn't want to spend too much there.

Some of the other cool places I ate at was that burger joint in the hood of Midtown (can't remember the name), the Jamaican place and Do Drop Inn.

The thing with Brick Pit was that the owner took time to discuss with me some of his accolades. They apparently won the NCAA bbq cookoff (think representing the Crimson Tide) in 2004. If you haven't been there, the pulled pork is as good as anyone's.