Skate 2

I thought you liked Skate? I remember you posting a positive review. By the way, how's that Iphone? (<--said with a smarmy, condescending tone to a corporate drone sell-out)

I do like Skate. But I didn't find myself rushing home to play it over and over like I used to with Tony Hawk.

There just wasn't enough "game" to it for me, which I'm hoping they correct in future installments. Everything they did control-wise was terrific; now it's time to make it a game.

And I'm loving the iphone. I still don't equate having an iphone with being a corporate drone sell-out -- that's what crackberries are for. At least, everyone in my industry uses blackberrys.

The iphone is different; it's the new hotness.

Look, I know where you are coming from -- I hated all the kiztchy mac people for a long time. I railed on them in other forums. I wouldn't even buy an ipod because I hated Apple people so much. I ended up with a Dell DJ that I had to make all sorts of modifications to my car stereo system to use, when an Ipod would have been plug-n-play. That's how much I hated Apple folk.

Until I bought the imac for the wife.

It totally converted me. Apple products are cool as can be. And they come in cool boxes.

Just submit. It's not worth fighting anymore. Apple products are simple and easy to use, and they look cool. What more do you need?

Be a good American and chase the shiny electronic trinkets like you are supposed to -- get an iphone.