Saints at Washington (DC)
OK, gents who paid SHIBBY already, the tickets arrived last week, I just haven't had time to come on here and post this yet.
Because we waited a while... The rows we wanted weren't all available. But we cleaned out that section 114. :) I paid a little extra, but bought all the available tickets in the section:
Sec 114 Row 5 Seats 9,10
Sec 114 Row 7 Seats 7,8,9
Sec 114 Row 13 Seats 25, 26, 27
Sec 114 Row 22 Seats 5,6
Please let me know what seats you want to use. I believe we have 9 tickets (including Shibby and I) reserved and I bought one extra. Once we figure out who gets what tickets, we can arrange to get the tickets to you. If you are local to DC and want to come over to the 65" HD home version of a sports bar* for the Tampa game, feel free to PM me for my address and I can give them to you then.
*I have the Sunday Ticket, 5 TVs in one room (2 HD) and do a sports bar imitation on Sundays. :)
(BTW, if there is any confusion about how many people have paid we will just have you PM me the information about how much you paid Shibby in PayPal to line it up properly. Once we confirm that we have one extra ticket, it will be up for grabs to those that missed the buy in for this.)