Brees asks mother to pull his image from her political ads

Drew's parents were divorced prior to his NFL career. I don't remember if it was before his Purdue years or not. But why does she keep the name Brees? Especially if she is remarried - like another post in here states?

Drew's father is Chip Brees. I don't know much about him, but I do remember an article about Brees in 2004 in San Diego, and the article referred to Brees and his dad (among others) having a post game meal at a restaurant in San Diego.

I don't usually like to comment on family matters, but I have to chime in on this one. Drew's parents were divorced long before his Purdue years. I know this because I am a distant cousin of Drew's. I also know that Mina Brees went back to the Brees name after she and her second husband divorced. Drew and his father do have a good relationship from what I have always been told, and if he has issues with his mother, I am more than sure they are justified.