Tell me about the last movie you saw....

I saw 'Doomsday' just the other day. It literally -

Starts off as 'Escape from New York'. The heroine even has an eye patch. At least the director doesn't hide the fact. Two of cops are named Carpenter and Miller.

It transitions into 'Aliens' for a short time.

Then becomes the 'The Road Warrior' complete with mute leather clad S&M baddies and guys with mohawks. Car chases even complete with an appearance by "the Nightrider"

It finishes off with becoming 'Escape from New York' again.

Things is even though it's one of the most derivative movies I've ever seen I didn't hate it. It's brain candy, a waste of two hours of your time but five minutes after you see it you'll have forgotten most of it.

I didn't see Aliens in it.. there are no aliens.
I'm surprised you didn't think it was more 28 Days Later because of the virus and the quarantine (28 Weeks Later).